"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, June 15, 2014

B's Fathers Day Painting

Fathers day if finally here.  I have been waiting for it all month.  As I said way back in February, we are not big gift givers, but we are trying to change that.  Since Bryan is getting independent little by little, I thought it would be fun to let him paint a canvas himself, instead of the hand print/footprint gifts we have been doing.

After about 5 minutes of B trying to paint the floor, I decided to try and movie things along by putting his fingers in paint and showing him the didn't have to use the brush...big mistake.  I forgot that he is one of the kids that doesn't like getting messy.  So that sparked a tantrum of paint flinging in my kitchen.

Eventually, we got there.  This is the end result.
I am so grateful for the fathers in my life.  Mine, my son's, my brother and brother-in-law.
As much as we bump heads at times, I am so grateful to have the companion I have in life.  Bryan and I love you very much.


1 comment:

  1. This turned out so cute! And, I love that little cutie.
