"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Love Dare 26: Love Is Responsible

Welcome new and returning readers! Today's post is a special post.  We are going to be talking about the love dare.  Specifically, day number 26 of the love dare.  New to the love dare?  Well stop by Taush.O here. You can find week 1 here.

Look at this cute couple.  They were so in love and care free.  They thought marriage was going to be a breeze.  And, isn't that man just dreamy?(hint to you love dare...ers, that is us. 5 years ago)
Well, we learned that marriage is NOT a breeze.  I'm going to end the wind analogy there, because I probably shouldn't compare it to a tornado. 
I think part of what makes marriage so hard is that no matter what, each of us has our own ideas of how it will be.  Of how easy our spouse would make it.  My hubby does make my life easier, but it takes a lot of work for that to happen.  That is where today's dare comes from.
As husbands and wives, we have certain things our spouses need from us.  Duties that we must take, and promises that we have made.  We are responsible for the work that goes into growing our marriage Into something beautiful.
Another thing we are responsible for in our marriage?  Our actions.  Specifically the mistakes that we have made.
Honestly, I asked to do this specific dare.  Why? because of that part of it right there.  It is something I have been working on.  It may come easy to you, but it has been hard for me.  I am so stubborn, and try to convince myself that I don't make mistakes.  That I am always right.  When I am not right?  Heck no can I ever tell my Husband.  That is were dare 26 comes in:

Not to interrupt this serious moment, but I made that printable myself, and it rocks.
I feel like this is one of the most essential parts of not just a happy marriage, but a happy self.  Sometimes we get so caught up in what we feel the other person does wrong.  We want it to be all their fault.  What I have found through my struggle, is that more often than not, it isn't.
Once I started praying for myself earnestly, It became easier to not only realize where I went wrong, but inform my hubby that I was wrong.  He doesn't walk all over me, but when I am wrong, now I can admit it.
I have had a bit of a head start on this dare because I have been working on it for months, not just the day. but I can tell you that by being responsible with my actions and words, and coming forth when I've made a mistake, I am so much happier.  It has made possible fights, short/nonexistent, and  My love for this man has grown more than I thought possible.
And I still find him oh so dreamy.
 The next dare is covered by Nicole, found here

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