"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Saturday was our 1 year anniversary! It is hard to beleive we have been married for a whole year!

It was sorta a crazy day, I had been making cake all week for a baby shower that day(which turned out amazing!..see my cake blog), then I came home to find that I had ripped my pants open in the back(Who knows how many people saw my butt), and then we had to run to galt to drop some stuff off at a friends, so Luis decided to take me to Sacramento and just have a nice relaxing night at perkos, were my brother, Mark, works. He knows me well. While I would have loved just spending time with him at home or watching a movie, he knows how much I like to see my brother. Perfect anniversary gift!
Our cat is so funny. This picture was taken when I had just finished working on the computer, turned it off, closed the screen, and there she was, just staring at me. Scared me at first. usually when i'm laying in bed on the computer, she will lay in bettween my legs and fall asleep(like she is now) but apparently not this time. Gotta love her though. She is so sweet. Most of the time.

Last night Luis and I made Hot Pot for my famliy. It is a dish that our good friend taught me how to make. I had it the first time I went to their house and cant get enough of it. Apparently, most of my family can. But that is ok. it just means more for me. I am glad the at least tried it though.

I can not get enough of my Niece! She is just way too cute! But I am sad because she has moved on from Carebears, to Justin Beiber. It makes me sad (I am not a fan of Beiber)