"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Spoiled pets!

Yes. That is Freckles on the bed with a tennis ball. We caved. And this really is a WE. I caved to Freckles and Luis Caved to me. Haha. I was really sad one night and wanted nothing more than to cuddle with my boys, so we laid down a blanket to not get the actual bed dirty, and put freckles on the bed. Needless to say, the Precious does not look happy about it (in case you forgot, that is the weirdo's real name...)
He loves being on the bed. So much so that I woke up one morning because he had decided to jump on top of me to wake me up....which worked...just not the way he planned. Scared me so badly that before I was actually awake, I had already thrown him to the ground. Sorry Freckles!
The cat has also been let into places she does not normally go. Like OUTSIDE. And as you can see, my, used to be, white cat loves it out there. She got outside and immediately proceeded to roll in the dirt. She was also pretty mad about being brought back in the house. I have to be careful when I go out because she will sneak out. (she did one day and was outside all day because I could not find her)
She sure is lovey though. She just let Luis lay on her like that. It was so cute!
They are also getting along better (though i did angle this so they look closer. In truth, they were around 3 feet away from each other.

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