"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, July 15, 2012

10 Things That Today Reminds Me Of

  • I hate being sick.
  • When I was younger, Daddy used to sing us awake(actually he still does that) and some of the songs used to go "Oh lazy Lisa wont you get up, so early in the morning"
  • Also in my young days, I went fishing with Daddy and his friend.  This guy and his wife still know me as "Lucky Lisa" (I have a magical touch with fish bait)
  • Luis is so tolerant of my neediness.  And when I am sick, I am extremely needy.
  • My house is trashed
  • I need to get busy and finish cleaning this house.  I was ready to start working on rooms...and then sickness happened.
  • cold food is good for getting rid of a cough...for a brief period of time
  • No matter what the world says, no one is too old for baths
  • Finding hair in cookies really grosses me out (I'm sure the pistachio cookies Dad made were great)
  • I need to find some cute DIY things to decorate my house with.
On that note, any ideas you guys can come up with would be great.  Of course it would help if I had pictures of the house up already.  Soon hopefully, but as you have possibly noticed from the couple hints above, I have been sick all week and spending any spare time resting and in bed (other than the super cute pink and purple butterfly cake.....which brings me to number 11 of things today reminds me of
  • When I used to spend the night at Granny and Grandpa's house as a child, Grandpa used to be silly and come up with funny names for colors.  He used to call purple, "burple" I thought it was one of the funniest things in the world. 
 I think I am going to have to do a grandparent post soon.  I don't think the Internet has enough room for all of the memories and things I want to say that the word "Grandparent" brings up...and I don't want to get too teary eyed right now either.  Though I will say.  I absolutely LOVE my Grandparents.

Off to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I hate sickness too :(
    I get excited because it's like, 'yesss, I don't have to work for the next 4 days, I can slowly get so much done!..." and then it's like - 4 days flash by and your surrounded by buckets, and tissues and havent showered. YUCK.

    Sorry love. But for real, get your house put together so we can have a housewarming party!
