"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, April 22, 2013

I Am In Love

Even though I didn't really keep track on the blog as much as I had planned, today, I would be posting about my 29th week of pregnancy.  It would have been an excited post about only having one week left to meet the little man.

Except I have already met him.  Meet Bryan.  As of Saturday, he is 1 week old.
just like the song, he is sleeping all day staying up all night
 I really don't have much to tell about his birth story.
Except that my labor was awesome.  I am not even being sarcastic.

The reason it was so awesome was because I had no idea I was even in labor. 

Friday was my last day of work before I went on maternity leave. (I didn't even make it for the disability leave part of it)  I said good bye to my coworkers and went to my regularly scheduled appointment.  When the doctor came in to talk to me, she asked the routine questions. Asked if I have had any contractions.  Yes, but not a lot.  Where there any that made it hard to talk, breath, or move? Nope. I really barely even noticed them.  Then she checked my cervix.  Um, hello 6!  She advised me to go to the hospital in an hour to be re checked.
So I went and did my taxes.
An hour and a half later we decided to head over there just in case.  I still felt nothing.
when they checked at the hospital, I was still a 6 so my midwife told me to go shopping or to a movie, eat and then come back to double check.
When she checked again two hours later, I was admitted.
I still felt next to nothing.
I didn't have any pain till 4 in the morning when I was 9 cm.  I am pretty sure I only felt it then because she broke my water.  I knew I was going to want an epidural for the delivery and had one coming before I even felt my first contraction.  
Seeing how Painful recovery has been, I'm so glad I got the epidural.
I pushed for about 2 hours, with an hour break in between.   I remember thinking tiredly every time they told me I was doing so good, that if I was doing so good, catch him already.

Then suddenly he was there.  
My little cheese covered baby

8 lb 1 oz.  could you think if he had waited another two weeks?  Ouch.

I am so sleep deprived, hungry, and useless(as far as house work is concerned)  That being said, I love being a mommy.  I love giving him little kisses.  I love having him snuggled into my chest.  I love watching him smile in his sleep.
I am more than grateful for the gift I have been given from my heavenly father.  It is also making me realize more and more that I will never be able to fully understand his love for me.  But I do understand it a little more every day I spend with my little man.



  1. that is one amazing birth story! he is very cute, love all the dark hair.

  2. GORGEOUS, and SOOOO glad your labor went so well!!
