"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Absent on Purpose

Yup, this time, I stayed away on purpose.  I Had some very important projects that needed to get done before Christmas.  I usually try to make gifts for my nieces and nephews and usually end up working on them untill early Christmas morning.  This year I made cute hats for these cute kids.
My sister sent me another picture yesterday and Andrew loves his Elmo hat.  I forgot to take a picture of the penguin hat I made for Harper, and she refuses to wear it, but It turned out super cute. 

Now on to our family update.
We have been:

  • Watching movies
  • Crawling everywhere
  • Sitting ourselves up
  • Trying to eat Freckles tail.

  • Being Nakey
  • Using the big boy bath
  • Hating cloths
  • Getting sick...again

  • Eating Cheerios
  • Discovering bread
  • Getting used to the high chair
  • Teaching/learning sign language

  • Celebrating Christmas
  • In our Jammies from Auntie Jill.
  • Having dance parties
  • Learning when and when not to rip paper

  • Hanging out with Uncle Eric
  • Letting Mommy and Daddy watch the Hobbit
  • Being cranky
  • Cuddling with Mommy

  • Eating blueberries
  • Making messes
  • discovering dog food
  • Teething. 

  • Having cousin play dates
  • Getting lots of cousin hugs and kisses
  • Having our toys peed on. A lot
  • Taking a month to figure out who did it.

  • Eating more Cheerios
and of course
  • Being crazy adorable.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sleeping Troubles Again

I have not seen enough of these lately
 This weekend has been tough.  There has been not enough smiling going on, and way too much crying and screaming.   Friday night we woke up to a screaming baby with a fever.  That pretty much sums up our weekend.  I tried to keep him sleeping for most of the weekend, except that little bit when we went to the Dr.  and when his Uncle Eric came over.
 I was so grateful my brother came to see us, and not just because I needed his help.  After going all night and all morning with this poor child crying constantly, as soon as he saw Eric, he lit up.  Not back to normal, but he was definitely happy to see his uncle.
He went right back to my sleepy sick baby after Eric left.  It has been hard to deal with.  Mostly because not only has be become a totally different child, I know he feels miserable.  He wouldn't eat anything.   Not even his crackers.  He loves his crackers.  He felt so miserable he wouldn't even touch them.  He would only drink breast milk too.  Normally, he drinks lots of water, but he wouldn't even reach for our cups.
I am so glad my family is so close.  Not only did my brother come over Saturday, but, after we ran out, my mom made a Tylenol run so I didn't have to pack my sicky up.(Thanks Mom!) Bonus: I got to see a big smile from my adorable Niece.
I think the cold air from going outside to say bye-bye to Grandma helped, because he cheered up a little after that.  Today, he is almost back to normal.  Still needs more sleep during the day, but so much happier.
With one exception.  Somewhere in all of this, his sleeping habits are even worse.  He will not sleep unless being held, and hates the bed.  As I type, he is sleeping with daddy in the lazy boy because he refused to sleep in the bed.  If I magically get him to not wake up as soon as I put him in the bed (still cuddling, because if I don't, he wakes up immediately)  It is short lived.  He has been waking up crying or screaming every half hour if I'm lucky.  The only way to keep him asleep for longer is by breastfeeding the entire time, and even then, It doesn't work.  I didn't sleep at all last night.

Any one who can give me some insight on if his sleeping habits will normalize soon please rescue me with some knowledge!

Other than that, here are some old pictures from a happier baby.

Night all!