"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, September 12, 2014

Crazy life

I was starting to do so good!  Then, BAM, life.  Though, thankfully, wasn't a bad thing.  Just some change, and a lot of projects on my part.  I was able to get some of the bow ties I make for Bryan into a local store, so there was filling that giant order.  Then a family friend made an order for some crochet goodies, and, well I'm still going.  It is slow enough now, though, that I can type up a quick post.  

The hard think about my lack of posting is,  I take SO MANY pictures every day, that it is hard for me to pick and choose, and takes a long time just to get to the bottom.  So here are just a few, then I will hopefully get around to sifting through more and posting again when it isn't 11 at night.

 He is getting better at selfies

 Playing games with Uncle
 Taking a nap at a play date
 That face! Too. Cute.

And here are a few Instagram pictures. (follow us at lhhuerta)
Granny's Piano/going to Grandma's/drum set/goodmorning

cousin love/peekaboo with auntie/lotion is exciting/mommy and me matching

sleepyhead/pool time/looking sharp/yogurt stash

merry-go-round/selfie with mommy/lovey Papa/No more sleeping
How long do we think I will keep up with it this time?  Hopefully now that I discovered my phone can be plugged in and pictures transferred within minutes, that will encourage me...Probably not.

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