"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, September 2, 2016


     Hey guys!  

     We are slowly but surely getting a hold of our lives over here.  I'm sneaking away real quick during nap time to give you a quick post about the first 2 months with the baby sister.  I say quick, but I did take the time to upload a bunch of pictures.

      With Rayen finally here, life is just that much more crazy.  It is also that much more adorable.  She was born back in June.  She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz, and was 19 inches long.

     Her birth was a completely different experience than Bryan's.  For one, I felt it.  All of it.  I was able to get an epidural, but it didn't block out as much as Bryan's did.  Also, this anesthesiologist put a little bit of narcotics in it.  Have I told you how much I hate feeling loopy?  
     Then there was the antibiotics.  Have any of you ever had the "joy" of having penicillin pumped through your veins?  That stuff burns like a beast.  and I had to have 3 rounds of it.  Each time burning more than the last.  I may or may not have cried with the last round.  (My hubby was so great at trying to comfort me.)
     Our labor and delivery nurse was awesome.  So, there is that.  She worked hard to help me with anything I was needing.  She even stayed a little after her shift to help deliver Rayen.  

     Eventually, all my hard work payed off and we finally have our baby girl with us
     At 2 months old, she is just so wonderful.  And happy.  She smiles like crazy all day.  She is now a little over 12 lbs and 21 inches long.
     Rayen is just about to switch to her 3-6 month cloths.  She loves mornings.  Her favorite music is Guns n Roses, and "Nothing Else Matters" from Metallica.  She is a big mommy's girl.  Her other favorite person her Auntie Haleigh. 

     Another thing little Ray likes to do is sleep.  In her own bed.  Ok, so I don't know if she likes it, but she at least does it.  Bryan was so colicky as a baby, we had to co-sleep because I was so tired from never sleeping.  Rayen is a completely different story.  She isn't sleeping through the night, but she does go back in her bed usually after a quick snack.  I actually have the energy to play with Bryan during the day.  Which is great.  Especially since he decided naps are no longer his thing.

     My camera loves having another subject to capture (here are a ton pictures as evidence)

Rayen Loves her Papa.
We are super happy about the new girl in town.



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