"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, December 1, 2012

*gasp* She lives!

I know, I know.  Where have I been?  Absolutely nowhere.  Just sitting at home, not blogging.  At least I have cute pictures to post right?  Nope.  Nothing.  I figured that I should post at least something though, since it has been a month and a half.
Actually,  I just got my computer back a week ago.  It had a virus last month that we tried to get rid of, then found out that our windows recovery discs didn't work.  Now my computer is just like it was when I first got it.  Which means all my pictures are on a disc somewhere and not anywhere that I can find it.  Also, my camera(and husband) are not here either.  They are in Montana.  Why Montana?  Well that is where my handsome man's dad is at for the week.  Why do I keep asking questions like this?  Because I feel like it.
Seriously though, I am so excited that he can visit his dad this weekend.  I am also excited for all the pictures he is taking...or the ones he better be taking.  I sure do miss him terribly though.  At around 5:30,  Freckles went and sat by the front window and just stared outside waiting for the car to pull up.
While the hubby has been gone, I have done pretty much nothing.  Haleigh came to stay with me so we put up my Christmas tree and relaxed all day.

Other than this,  there are actually a LOT of new things going on with us.  Including some new craft things, new recipes, and some even more exciting news.  All in good time though.  Once I fix my picture situation, I will try to post it all.
For now though,  I have two puppies trying to sabotage me. One trying to knock over my foot rest and another one trying to kick my just-fixed computer to the floor.  Pictures soon.


1 comment:

  1. FINALLY!!! I thought you died. No, I didn't think that, because we text like everyday. But really, you gotta blog more. I promise, it's a pain in the butt at first, but then you look back at all the pictures and memories and you love it.
