"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cleaning B's room

Ever since we talked about moving Bryan to his own bed, it became apparent that he needs to spend more time in there.  Easy yes? No.  His room has slowly become a storage room for all of his old things.  So I took my little helper, and we cleaned it up a bit, though I'm pretty sure someone left it messier than when we started.

He sure loves sharing

My cute little mess maker only uses bottles if I am trying to put them away.
I also lowered his crib mattress.  Bryan has gotten so tall that if he leaned over too much, he probably would have flipped right over the edge.

Though the new height was unfamiliar, he is finally getting back to longer naps.  He napped through an entire episode of "Once Upon a Time" today.

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