"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Crazy December

Well, you already know that I had December was a crocheting, sewing, DIY like crazy month.  So what did we do in between?

Bryan had ANOTHER eye surgery.  We are really hoping it is the last.
B has also got even more into music.  He discovered these rock band drums in Uncles room and has been obsessed with them.  I think the drums are his new favorite instrument.  Why wouldn't they be?  He loves music.  He loves hitting things.  It is the PERFECT instrument.

We spent more time with family than usual.  I feel like half of it was at Joann's.  Which never helps my craft store addiction.  Then there was the weekends of Mom teaching the SIL and I how to sew.  Abuela was also able to come back and visit.
This pretty much describes us.
We cant forget the awesome Scentsy party that my SIL hosted.  I love that stuff
We almost became a 2 pet family.  A couple weeks ago, weirdo, the kitty, had a stroke that left her completely immobile.  Poor Bryan was having a hard time with it.  Not because he understood and was sad, but because he didn't understand.  He LOVES her.  More like he smothers her with love...literally.  He was struggling with not being able to pick her up, or snuggle her.
Eventually we got him to understand that there is no touching kitty in her box. Though now that she is up and moving, we have remind him to be gentle.  She can walk (wobbly and sideways mostly) but flops to the ground if she turns too fast (at which I fully feel guilty for every giggle)

This was just the tip of the iceberg for us.  December just seemed too full, and too short this year.  Luckily, we made it out and January has proven to be much more relaxed.  How has your year started?

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