"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Taking Freckles for a Drive

We have been having lots of fun over here. Luis had some friends from San Diego down, so we loaded Freckles in the car and headed out. On the way back Freckles somehow snuck into my lap. I know I should have made him get back in the back seat, especially since he tried to do it multiple times the next time we were in the car, but he is so darn cute I cant help it sometimes.
Oh, and yes, That is a watermark at th bottom of the picture. Just on of the other things I have been working on digital wise. What do you think? Someone is probably not going to steal my pictures, but I thought, why not?
So at the Jelly belly factory, there is a little dog walk (by little, I mean little.) and they have this little fire hydrant with sign that says "not a real fire hydrant. for your dogs pleasure only." We thought it was funny
So I still dont know which signature to use, so I am going to try both of them. hopefully I will be abl to figure it out soon.
(I think I fixed my color problem with the white. Just not how I wanted too.)


  1. OH MY GOSH! Your watermark is AWESOME and HILARIOUS! It took me a minute, but I still can't stop laughing - I wish Chad and I had something cool like that!

  2. Thanks Janie. It took me a while, but I finally got the dimensions and what not right.
    And Tausha, I can't claim credit for that. Bishop Harlow actually was the one to call us that first
