"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

She Knows.

25 weeks pregnant, and finally into prego pants.  Oh man are those bad boys comfy.  Even though my birthday isn't for another month, my mom took me out shopping this weekend and bought me some.  She knew I wasn't going to last till February.  Now I have jeans and work pants that fit my growing tummy.  I do need to get used to them a bit though.  Having this stretchy band covering my stomach is new.  That said, don't be surprised if you see me still wearing them in a year.

Those are my new prego jeans!
There is this strange phenomenon going on in my house.  We are pretty sure that the cat knows I am pregnant.  At first we thought it was just her finally getting used to Zuko.  Although she is okay with him now, even lets him sniff her bum, this is something entirely different.
The weirdo guarding my tummy
She is way more cuddly with me than she has ever been, even before both of the dogs.  She drools on me now.  When I come home/get out of bed/go to the bathroom, she greets me at the door, like the dogs.  She used to stay hidden most of the day, now she likes to be out where I am.  I like it.  Most of the time.  Other times, it is too much.  Like when she wont stop licking me.
This is just a really cute picture of Zuko watching her roll around on me.
Caption this picture.
I'm not sure if you noticed, but I just figured out how to caption pictures (I clicked the button that says "add caption"  who would have thought that it does exactly that)  So what do you think a good caption would be for this last picture?

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