"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, February 20, 2014


A miracle happened today.  After a little crying, and a tad bit of pinning him down, Bryan fell asleep in the crib.  Like he was awake when I put him in there, and fell asleep while still in there.  So, I am spending nap time blogging and researching.

This is one of those, "not sponsored, but I should be" posts.  I swear I tell everyone I know about Gymboree bubbles.  They are THE best.  They stay in the air, and last for ever.  They are semi pricey, compared to the regular ones, but totally worth it.
 These were taken way back in September.  Look How tiny he was!

 Bryan loves bubbles in that quiet, concentrating on grabbing them all, kind of way.  We have tried to get him to laugh when the dogs eat them, but he just zones out.
Cutest. Outfit. Ever.

 He loves the bubble blower.

 A couple weeks ago, I was able to watch my Harper.  Though it was too cold to do bubbles outside, we pulled them out out anyway and did it right there in the kitchen.

And she loves bubbles just as much as I do...also hates staying still for pictures.  Nieces are the best.
I am so excited for summer and bubble time outside.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, sleeping in his crib huh? Thats INCREDIBLE!! Good for you, keep it up!

    Oh, and booyah on the bubbles. I always buy the cheap kind and then get irritated when they pop after barely being in the air.
