"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Question 2

Whoohoo.  Second day and I am posting before midnight.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

  • Needles.  I hate needles.  Years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer.  While he was in the hospital, on of the women that put his IVs in, he said must have broken up with her boyfriend or something, because she was DIGGING  to find his vein. Like needle in skin, miss the vein, and wiggle the needle around to find one.  Another one popped his vein the next day.  So after reading this, you are probably scared of needles too.
  • The Dark.  Yes yes, I realize that I am 22 years old, but the dark is scary.  When we lived out in the country, I expressed this fear to my best friend.  I wanted to move into town because of this reason,  She pointed out to me that something bad is more likely to happen in town because that is where the robbers and such are.  The thing is, while I am afraid of hooligans coming and breaking into my house, that is not the main reason I am scared of the dark.  It's the zombies...and the warewolves.  Sad thing is, I am totally aware that these do not exist.  They still freak me out.
  • Spiders.  Whenever I see a spider, I start hyperventalating, and have to call for my brave hubby.  I know this is silly, but when I was younger, my older brothers (not sure which one anymore) told me that if spiders bite you, you will turn into a giant spider.  They used to tell me that they got bit and were going to turn and come and eat me.  I no longer believe this silly prank.  It is how my fear started.  Instead I now know that spiders can be poisinous, and they have lots of creepy eyes and legs.  They are scary looking.
You can see all 30 questions here.


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