"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Question 3

I know, I'm a day late for question 3, but I was so into yesterday my "day off" (not really) that I sorta forgot until late.  Here is the 3rd question:
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
My relationship with my parents has changed so much since I was a kid.  Especially with my mom.  I used to fight a lot with my mom.  Because she reads my blog, I think it is best to not point fingers.(that could get me in trouble)  While I still get in fights with my mom, we have a much better relationship now.  I feel more comfortable talking to her.  Which is a big deal. 
With my dad, things haven't changed THAT much.  Although, I have realized that I roll my eyes a lot more at him now.  I like being around my dad.  Most of the time he is funny, unless it is one of those moments that deserves an eye roll.(In which case, he is only funny to the boys)  All in all, my relationship with my dad can be described as, I'm a daddy's girl.
I haven't always agreed with my parents, but I think that they are pretty good parents.  I mean, look at me.  I turned out awesome right?

You can see the other 30 questions here

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