"Be feircely loyal to each other..." Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Question 6

6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
This question is very difficult to me.  Partially because I don't know exactly how to put it, and partially, because part of this answer is so fresh right now.
I guess the hardest thing to experience is the threat/reality of a loved one dieing.  I know pretty much everyone has dealt with it.  More than once too.  It is difficult watching them go through it, and being helpless.  Only able to sit on the sidelines and watch as try to pull through, and a lot of us are fortunate that our family members do pull through.  Then other times, that choice is impossible.
While this has been a difficult thing to deal with in my life, it also makes me so incredibly grateful to my Heavenly Father and the Savior.
I will leave it at that.
You can find all 30 questions here.

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